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Artist's Notes: By the time he was twenty years old, Pablo Picasso could paint as well as an accomplished, retired genius of his day. In his time, high realism was still the ticket of the day, with paintings of epic, royal proportions being favored. These paintings sang the praises of stupendous battles and political figures. Picasso was a lover, not a fighter.

Understanding the importance of the discovery of camera obscura, he realized that high realism was no longer necessary and he put his creative juices into far more cerebral activity thus changing the industry of art forever more. He dared to study and delve into antiquity, to study the so called "primitives" of Africa and tropical climes. He did not accept the normal perception of reality, and so he broke it down, fracturing every accepted conception known to mankind.

Picasso's Mind is a Filter
(Computer Art)
Created with Adobe Photoshop and scanned plagarised drawing.

He was a courageous visionary, and his genius was recognized in his own lifetime, bringing him riches and celebrity.

Did Picasso's mind work differently than normal folks? Are Picasso's paintings merely abstract, as some like to think or was his reality warped by chemical or hormonal imbalances? Was he perhaps schizophrenic or mentally ill? Did his eyes contain all the correct rods and cones?

Here I present a tribute to Picasso. These images were created with filters. I submit that Picasso, himself, was a filter. He was able to see reality, truth and purity. With a few well chosen lines and colors, Picasso could force people to emote, to contemplate life and reality.