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Stairway to Heaven (Computer Art)

Artist's Notes: This started off as a drawing which I scanned. Using brush patterns in Adobe Photoshop, which I created from scans of Kustav Klimpt's works, I painted it in the computer. I am becoming too comfortable with the computer. It is so much easier to just move my wrist and imagine that this is a 36 by 48 painting. I am becoming a mouse potato, as you will see in the next few pages. I have learned how to work my ideas in the computer, much to the detriment of having to physically interact with my work. Now a machine does my work for me. Does that mean that I now have been limited by the medium of computer. Would this work not be grand as a living entity that I had put hours, days and weeks of labour into? Would I do it. I have already seen it in its perfection, here on this page. Why bother.