Computer Graphic Design

We have placed easy to access links (below) to samples of our designer's work, here on this site. elle A Designs, are available to design a web site for your company, at reasonable rates. Please contact elle A Designs for any type of artistic work you may be interested in having done, both computer and manual graphics and painting.

Our associates, elle A Designs Web Design Portfolio. This page showcases various stylish and unique websites designed by elle A Designs.

Samples of designer Restaurant Menues. Featured are three restaurant menus, print ready, demonstrating again, the diversity of our designer. The finished print size is 11 inches by 14, the menu favoured by most eat-in restaurants.

Samples of designer A-Frame Curbside Sandwich Boards built using weather resistant wood and exterior oil-based paint, to ensure your sandwich board's longevity, in the size you require. Elle also designs co-ordinating interior menu boards which may also include a black board.

Graphic based, hand painted Christmas store front windows, New Year store front windows, Valentine store front windows. Brightly coloured, seasonal and holiday window promotions will add inviting appeal to your curb entrance, injecting customer interest in your promotions and retail sales.

For an indepth discussion of the services provided by our web designer please see this link, elle A Designs Website. This web site will help to demystify the world of web design for you and shows the possibilities which our team can bring to your web site.