Clip Art and Window Painting

Alternative and creative. Site must be viewed at 1024 X 1168 resolution.
When designing your website, keep an area open, strictly for updating, so that your site always appears maintained and important. Never show dates older than two months on your site, unless it is historical.

Our clipart section showcases colourfully, hand drawn, public domain clipart that you, the client, may utilize on your website. Many of the clip art designs are based on the public holidays of the year.

The addition of these clip art images is an easy way to update and keep your site current. Use them to announce sales, holiday closure hours and to offer holiday greetings to your customers.

elle A Designs can and will utilize these charming, colourful clip art pieces in menus or promotional materials. We can even paint these beautiful images on your storefront windows, creating a coordinated package from website to window to promotional materials.

Of course clip art isn't right for everyone, but if you are running a business with a sense of humour, where the following are involved, you may have a place for clipart: children, pets, toys, health, candles, soaps, fun food and drinks, coffee, back to school items, gifts, tattoos, cars, motorcycles, hardware, and discount shopping.

The internet offers clipart sites where it is free to download these types of images for personal use and available for almost every kind of occasion. If you do not find exactly what you are looking for on this page, we welcome you to search the word clipart. Once you have what you want, we will incorporate it for you.