Bright, Fun, Interactive, Form Buttons

Alternative and creative. Site must be viewed at 1024 X 1168 resolution.
Most forms will need to have at least one button on it, the submit button. Forms have their own dedicated button style, which can be changed to be more interesting.

This page demonstrates six form buttons all styled slightly differently. These buttons include a mouseover which is not the standard for a form button.

Font styles in the below buttons, from top to bottom, are: Arial, Times New Roman, Comic Sans MS, Courier, Trebuchet MS and Verdana. Note the grey button, also below. It is the standard for forms. Pretty boring.

Here is a way to brighten up your forms. Check out these bright mouseover form buttons. The text style on the buttons has even been varied to show the control that can be achieved over form buttons. You don't necessarily have to use the bland, grey, typical form button, like this..... ....Your form buttons can be fun and stylish, using a variety of colours and fonts.